Thursday, May 26, 2011

Monster Storms

      In and about the same time period of the Meltdowns in Japan Nuclear facilities, the USA began to experience large storms that have not been recorded since the last large nuclear expulsion during the bombing of Japan all those years ago. Record storms in the USA followed. Now we are sufferng the same fate, however, it s an ongoing problem, as there is no close end in sight for the burn off of the reactors in Japan.

      The main concern that the public focused on was the idea of Nuclear radiation coming into the united states. The American listening public is fickle for the most part in the way they follow the news that is brought to their living rooms through the radio or television set. The problem with this, is that the news media and Television Networks have change their focus of attention from the Japan tragedy and onto the marriage of the new Prince, to the capture of Bin Laden. The publics' attention has been taken away from the plight of Japan and the World.

The USA and other NATO countries of the world need to respond to Japans issues personally with the best of the best each has to offer. This is a LONG term problem that is occurring in Japan, and the public has had their attention turned away from it for fear of panic.

You can see with this map, the path of the radioactive materials falling out within the air stream of the USA weather pattern. This is effecting all the weather coming into the USA, and then onto other countries as it mixes with Canadian air and begins to cross the Atlantic Ocean heading for Europe. A Mass effect on a cycling system, means that temperature changes on a global scale is going to cause further MONSTER STORMS.

Basic science tells us one thing in relation to this global disaster that is unfolding before our eyes. The movement of water in the natural weather system. The image below shows how Water goes from liquid to vapor, and then to solid or liquid. With this below map, take to mind the movement of water in its natural cycle of life.

Now with this in mind. Let us think of how much moisture is being put into the air by Japans meltdown, as they pour water on the reactors to keep them cool and reduce radiation levels in their area of the world. They pour and are pouring 100s of 1000s of gallons of water on these reactors, which in turn is evaporated into the air and into the airstream. This extremely warmed vapor rises over the Pacific Ocean, which in effect changes the temperature in these regions, causing air pressure changes and causes the reaction of volcano's and rogue waves.

Monster Storms and Tornado's are the after effect in the United States. This is the beginning, the temperature changes have ripped large paths across our country, nothing recorded as large since after the last large nuclear exposure to our ecosystem in the bombing of Japan. This situation is worse however, the bombing of Japan was a one time exposure, that eventually dissipated and broke up over time from passing through the weather systems. This present situation, with the meltdown of a nuclear core that can no longer be contained and cooled, we are looking at a continuous stream of vaporized warm air into the Pacific air stream for an undetermined amount of time.

This large build of warm air, is an unnatural load of fuel for storm systems. The warm moist air rises above in the airstream, landing and cooling by the time it hits the cooler airs of Canada, colliding in the Midwest. Which not only explains the unnaturally freak Tornado's and Flood waters of record proportions, as this is Japans salt water, that was evaporated into warm mist and carried on the airstream until it is dropped in the Middle of the USA in form of Flood water, excessive rain, and mammoth Tornado's from air collisions.

As you can see in the map to the left, how the Salt water will evaporate off of the reactor, turning into fresh water mist, that is warmer than the ground temperature so it rises into the airstream.  From the airstream it travels in mass maintaining most of its core temperature until it begins to cool on approach to the Western US coast. The added temperature changes from the radiation changes on the coastline from the initial fallout, keeps the warm mist at a stable temperature, until it passes the fallout zone, hitting the colder temperatures of the Midwest caused by the Canadian wind stream.

The last thing to state here is that if this situation remains unchecked, we are not going to be seeing the end of these storms for some time. Beyond my life time, unless something is done soon. I advise all people living west of the Colorado Border on it's east, move East, or you and your children will suffer the prolonged exposure in the long term. Medical records show that tumors and cancer in prolonged exposure to radiation, I guess I would stay on the safe side and move.

The government is not quick to catch things before it is a problem, a good example are all the record lawsuits against pharmacies for selling and creating medications that have ill and fatal effects from exposure over time. Another good example of the system not protecting its own against potential future long term exposed threats, would also be compared to the Agent Orange applied during the Vietnam war.

And I leave you with this, the warmer air from the top cools to fast and falls to the bottom, and then the funnel effect appears. The larger the air mass, the larger and more destructive the storm. This is a direct effect of the tornado's in the USA. It is Japans Salt water, that was evaporated into fresh mist and trapped in a gulf stream that is super heated from radioactive exposure. Causing the mist to not cool and fall until it hits the Midwestern USA.


It would not be hard to bring into account at least two potential theories in relation to this topic. Who would be interested in causing freak storms such as this? Controlling the weather is not a new concept to military science, we use it domestically and have even improved the end results through a vague and clouded history of bad end results from small towns and communities all over the USA. Such as cement falling from the sky and even strange disease ridden goo. But the USA is not doing these types of changes to our environment or are they?

One is that Japan's "Accident' was not one at all. That it was intentional. That the loss of several 1000 farmers and some land in Japan, would potentially financially and agriculturally destroy the united states over a long period of exposure. Any diabolical individual with a decent IQ and the resources could have determined this one. Salt water boiled into the atmosphere in mammoth amounts will cause ecological warfare on an enemy in your downstream. So Japan lost farmers and some land to long term destroy the Eco of the USA. The warm vapor is still being released into the pacific airstream as I am writing this. A large earthquake could be formed by placing a rod in the Earth an attaching the reactors to this for a large electro discharge into the earth plate, causing a controled tsunami, as well as an earth quake. Smaller discharges could be done in succession before and after to make the act seem more realistic to the science community. The Nuclear plant zones were guarded from outsiders getting close, which could also cover for a cleanup of the devices from ooutsiders.

Could we be trying to use weather control to prevent storms such as this and they are backfiring? Technically, if you can cool the warm air in the upper layers of the airstream you could prevent Tornado's, but instead you will get mass flooding. The reason for this is that as the vapor cools, it turns back into water, and we get rain.

CULPRIT 3: External Enemies of State
With the very relaxed recycle method that the USA has in place in relation to border patrol and security, it is not hard to believe that in this future day and age, that weather weapons are a very real threat to all civilized countries. All that is needed is the knowledge of how weather control actually works. Someone that has the concepts, do not even have to drop the mixtures from a plane to change weather patterns, a discharge could be put into a rocket and shot into the airstream. If done randomly and in the proper area of the country, it could be done undetected, and without suspicion. A good place to hit the Midwest United States effectively after a discharge of a weather effecting weapon, would be the eastern part of the desert, just before the plains. Ironically not far from the US and Mexican border that is not really secured properly. Yes this could be a terrorist attack on an entirely different level, as the gorilla wars, terrorist are very innovative and find ways to cause disruption on hobo budgets.

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